

See-Mode is a start-up in the medical field. Their product automatically reads and assesses ultrasound images, producing accurate clinical reports. See-Mode's offering was expanding into different medical areas and their brand did not have the flexibility to represent it well.

“We needed to do some really tactical brand work, we had a pretty tight timeframe and we are in a complicated domain. Form & Function delivered on every aspect.”

Shehan Bala Head of Product


After finding out more about the business, brand and communications, Form & Function collaborated to align their brand and create a clear visual presence. The new wave-form motif is weaved through-out the brand collateral to represent their core ultrasound focus. It is flexible and creates a great foundation to build the rest of the brand and marketing collateral upon.


The initial impact of the branding has been very positive: "The big and immediate benefit is that our brand is much more aligned to what we actually do as a company. Going forward we now have something we can continue to build upon."

Fraser Tebbutt
+6421 2525966


Based in Auckland, New Zealand
Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa.

© Form & Function NZ. 2024